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Planning & Zoning Board

The Town of Mars Hill Planning and Zoning Board holds quarterly regular meetings at 4:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the first month of each calendar quarter, those being the months of January, April, July and October. Meetings are held in the Mars Hill Town Hall. Other meetings may be called as needed subject to notice to the public.

The Planning and Zoning Board regular meeting dates for 2025 are as follows:

2025 Regular Meeting Schedule

January 28, 2025
April 22, 2025
July 22, 2025
October 28, 2025

The purposes of the Planning & Zoning Board of Mars Hill are set forth in the General Statutes of North Carolina. The Board has the duty to:

*Acquire and maintain in current form such basic information and materials as are necessary to an understanding of the past trends, present conditions and forces at work to cause changes in those conditions;

*To prepare and from time to time amend and revise a comprehensive and coordinated plan for the physical development of the area;

*To prepare and recommend to the Board of Aldermen ordinances promoting orderly development along the lines indicated in the comprehensive plan;

*To determine whether specific proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan for the growth and improvements of the town.

The Planning and Zoning Board consists of five members that shall be citizens and residents of the town appointed by the Board of Aldermen.


Bruce Murray - Chairman
Bernard Briggs
Kelly Evans
Tommy Justice
Augusta Gladding

(828) 689-2301