Parks and Recreation
The town abounds with recreation opportunities. The Town of Mars Hill operates a variety of recreation experiences at its Recreation Park just 2 miles off of Hwy 213 at 690 Park Drive. Tennis courts, a ball field, outdoor basketball courts, a children's playground for ages toddler to 12 years, and a large swimming pool await the public. The pool is open June through August (689-5005). The Park also has picnic facilities adjacent to the pool and playground that is ideal for birthday parties and small gatherings. Reservations for facilities should be made in advance at Town Hall: 689-2301.
In addition, there is a 1/2 mile hiking trail around the college practice fields at Ponder Field on Bailey Street, and an 18-hole Disc Golf Course that traverses the college campus.
Bailey Mountain Preserve and Farm Park
The Bailey Mountain Preserve consists of adjoining properties under preservation easement available to the public to visit on foot. The Preserve encompasses over 250 acres, including much of the southern slope of the mountain, including the east of Connor Ridge down to Forest St, the “Smith Farm,” and to the west of Connor Ridge the headwaters of White Oak Branch and Hamp Gap. Bailey Mountain is the highest peak visible from the Town of Mars Hill, and Bailey figures prominently in the history of the Town and Mars Hill University. The preserve offers six contiguous miles of hiking trails for the responsible enjoyment of the public and is best accessed from the parking area and trailhead at 885 Forest St.
